
Vincent mailinglists at
Mon Aug 4 18:54:31 UTC 2008

On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 7:29 PM, jmak <jozmak at> wrote:
> Oh the source. I cannot remember where i read it; I think it was in an
> interview. I wish I would have saved it. But the tendency is that Mark
> gradually warms up to the idea that kde is the way to go.   Eventually
> he will realize that with the brown image of ubuntu he wont be able to
> break into the mainstream.

AFAIK he's been using Kubuntu for ages. AFAIK the community can also play a
huge role in changing the colourscheme, which, for the sake of Ubuntu, I
hope quickly happens. For Xubuntu, however, that isn't really relevant as
our colourscheme works quite nice.

If the applications cover the dock that's better than in my screenshot, yet
the panel being visible (with optional auto-hide) is still less confusing
and what people are used to (" You cannot simply do something different just
for the sake of being different.").

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