CS Ubuntu

Vincent imnotb at gmail.com
Fri Sep 28 17:52:31 UTC 2007

On 28/09/2007, vaibhav khatavkar <vaibhav.khatavkar at oscpro.in> wrote:
> Hello,
>        We intended to developed a Live CD which will be targeting
> towards computer science student developers.
> CS Ubuntu . ( Computer Science ) .
>    1.  In Pune,India we have about 15000 students who are programmers.
> In India 2-3 Lacks .
>    2. We have Ubuntu as the solution but it does not provide all
> development packages that he needs in one single setup.
>    3. Many of them have fear in mind regarding "Linux" due to
> partition table management . So they are not going to install Ubuntu
> after first introduction .
>    4. Having Live CD equipped with development environment will be
> pretty useful to them ..
>    5. Also we want XFCE Desktop because in India most of ppl have
> 128MB to 256MB of RAM .
> What we intend to give with live cd  :
>     *       LAMP stack
>     *       c/c++ IDE
>     *        ddd
>     *        java IDE
>     *        perl, python , ruby on rail
>     *        umbrello
>     *         bluefish,nvu , quanta+
> We don't need office suit and other language stuff .

I don't know if this is a question, if it is, I missed it, but anyway, may I
refer you to Wubi? It allows for easy installation from Windows without
hassling with the partition tables: http://wubi-installer.org/

> with regards,
> vaibhav.

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