
Luzius Thöny lucius.antonius at
Fri Sep 21 21:30:12 UTC 2007

Jim Campbell wrote:
> Hi Luzius,
> George Lesica and I have been working together on the
> musicvideophoto.xmlfile.  I've attached a draft version of it (via a
> diff).
> We did not change any of the ghelp links, as we hadn't decided what to do
> there.  Let us know what you think.  Thanks!
> Jim
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: George Lesica < glesica at>
> Date: Sep 20, 2007 5:00 PM
> Subject: brasero in
> To: Jim Campbell <jwcampbell at >
> ok, added brasero as a way to burn music cds and also mentioned the
> other functions it serves
> again, the diff contains all the changes we've both made, excluding
> whatever you may have done today that i don't have, hopefully there
> won't be any conflicts... it'll be nice if they switch to bzr :)
> -george
> --
> ~ George T. Lesica
> glesica at

hi george and jim,

thank you very much for helping out! i appreciate it.

i've taken your patch as a start, but i had to go over pretty much all 
of this chapter once more. it was unfortunate that you missed the recent 
switch to totem, but it's fixed now :)

if you guys are willing to update to current SVN, check the state of the 
docs as they are now, and report any mistakes or omissions, that'd be great!


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