
Radomir Dopieralski xubuntu at sheep.art.pl
Sun Mar 18 12:42:15 UTC 2007

Dnia Sat, Mar 17, 2007 at 08:10:41PM -0400, napisale(a)s: 
> In my view the modified blue icon would be much better the the
> original. Let me know what you think because not all folder icons are
> done yet. 

I like the original Tango more. But it's just me.

> Or we still have as an option the tangerine but in my view it is too orange.

It has an advantage: better contrast providing a nice accent and
making the whole much less bleak. Then again, xubuntu color scheme *is*
bleak, so this would be moving away from the traditional looks...

Radomir `The Sheep' Dopieralski 
    Find hungry samurai.

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