
vidd vidd at crosslink.net
Mon Jun 18 14:55:53 UTC 2007

Adam Miller wrote:
> Lionel,
> First off, thank you for volunteering to support the maintenance of a 
> xubuntu-restricted-extras package.
> Secondly, my only concern is what exactly will happen when trying to 
> install the package on amd64? will flashplugin-nonfree simply be 
> ignored or will the user get an error because there is no such package 
> for amd64?
> -Adam
> On 6/17/07, *Lionel Le Folgoc* <mrpouit at ubuntu.com 
> <mailto:mrpouit at ubuntu.com>> wrote:
>     Brian A wrote:
>     > Can you include the multimedia codecs such as the win32 codecs,
>     quicktime,
>     > mp3 etc in the restricted codecs package as well? I think that
>     it would be
>     > much easier if you could just expect the majority of media
>     formats to be
>     > supported by your computer once you have installed the
>     restricted codecs.
>     >
>     The packages have to be in the archive
>     (main/restricted/universe/multiverse).
>     So depending on w32codecs won't be possible (and ffmpeg is very good
>     now, w32codecs is only needed for real player videos iirc).
>     Cheers,
>     Lionel
>     --
>     xubuntu-devel mailing list
>     xubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:xubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com>
>     https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/xubuntu-devel
> -- 
> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdamMiller 
Another package you may want to consider is libxine-extracodecs


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