Looking for XubuntUSB testers, seeders and/or hosts

Terry_G_Davis at Dell.com Terry_G_Davis at Dell.com
Tue Jul 3 17:35:30 UTC 2007

I will have you an answer and info by Thursday. 


From: xubuntu-devel-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com [mailto:xubuntu-devel-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of Vincent
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 12:33 PM
To: Xubuntu Development Discussion
Subject: Re: Looking for XubuntUSB testers, seeders and/or hosts



On 03/07/07, Terry_G_Davis at dell.com <Terry_G_Davis at dell.com> wrote: 

Vincent I will try to get this and start testing for you sometime within the next few days. If there is a way I can get with you about file hosting, let me know. There may be something I can do for that.

If you could host it that would be great. I think an FTP upload would be most efficient, but nonetheless I think it would have to wait until I can leave on my computer for a while. I don't think I've got that time tomorrow but Thursday I believe I've got a day off from school so if that could be arranged that'd be great (you could just mail me at this email address). I've been seeding this torrent for I think two hours now and I've only uploaded 578MB of 753, spread out over four computers... Well, at least I've learned something new again: creating a torrent. :D 





	From: xubuntu-devel-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com [mailto:xubuntu-devel-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of Vincent
	Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 9:05 AM
	To: Xubuntu Development Discussion
	Subject: Looking for XubuntUSB testers, seeders and/or hosts


	Hey, I just finished a tutorial on how to run Xubuntu Feisty from your USB drive [1] but I need help. First of all, I need people to test it, to be sure my instructions are correct and clear. Then I need someone to either host the files or to seed the torrent I created. 
	Thanks in advance.
	[1] http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2007/07/03/xubuntu-feisty-now-from-usb-drive/ 

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	xubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com


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