Thunar default configuration

Jani Monoses jani.monoses at
Wed Jan 17 11:34:38 UTC 2007

Gauvain Pocentek wrote:
> Hi,
> Thunar has been really improved in the past days/weeks and now offers 
> some features like:
>  - popup windows warning the user that a media has been unmounted/ejected
>  - automatic and configurable behaviours when a media is plugged in 
> (gtkpod can start as soon as you plug your ipod for instance).
> The question is: do we want this enabled by default in Xubuntu?

I haven't used them yet, but will once they get in the archive. I'd be 
inclined to leave them enabled because they are meant to help users. 
Benedikt seems to develop most features with usability in mind, I think 
he may be  right this time as well.
And as mentioned in this thread it's easier to change the setting for 
those who do not need it as it is likely they are more experienced users 

> I personnaly don't use (and don't really like) that kind of tools, and 
> what I always appreciated in Xubuntu is that it doesn't do things if you 
> don't ask it to do them. So, just like we removed special desktop icons, 
> I'd prefer not enabling this tools by default.

True, they both are disabling an upstream default setting. But they 
differ in that icons are disabled as Ubuntu did with gnome/nautilus 
default whereas ubuntu did not disable gnome-volume-manager popping 
windows up.

I still think Xubuntu should mainly differ from Ubuntu in the selection 
of packages and the pros and cons that are a consequence of this. It 
should be user friendly rather than power-user oriented.
Anyway we have a few months to test this new thunar feature and we'll be 
able to take a better decision closer to release.

and thanks to Gauvain for packaging it so quickly ;)


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