Thunar default configuration

Gauvain Pocentek gauvainpocentek at
Wed Jan 17 17:07:25 UTC 2007


Thunar has been really improved in the past days/weeks and now offers 
some features like:
 - popup windows warning the user that a media has been unmounted/ejected
 - automatic and configurable behaviours when a media is plugged in 
(gtkpod can start as soon as you plug your ipod for instance).

The question is: do we want this enabled by default in Xubuntu?

I personnaly don't use (and don't really like) that kind of tools, and 
what I always appreciated in Xubuntu is that it doesn't do things if you 
don't ask it to do them. So, just like we removed special desktop icons, 
I'd prefer not enabling this tools by default.
Again, this is _my_ opinion, and I won't make a decision about this on 
my own :)



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