Status of Xubuntu Support
Cody Somerville
cody.somerville at
Thu Jan 11 12:23:59 UTC 2007
Jani: Is it a goal of ours to become "officially supported" like the other
two derivatives?
On 1/11/07, Jani Monoses <jani.monoses at> wrote:
> The term supported is vague and this leads to misunderstandings.
> The dev quoted by Cody, heno (Henrik Nilssen Omma) was right:
> xubuntu is supported by sharing the same archive as the 3 main variants,
> by having its developers in MOTU and/or ubuntu-core-dev, by providing
> ISO build facilities and not least by 'unofficial' good will from many
> canonical devs who take xubuntu issues in consideration when working on
> u/k/edubuntu specific stuff.
> What it does not mean is financial backing from Canonical apart from
> bandwidth and the implicit developer time their employees spend on
> Xubuntu specific stuff. So no 24/7 commercial support for customers or
> pressed CDs.
> And this makes a lot of sense from their POV as long as xubuntu has a
> relatively small community (distrowatch is a misleading metric) and they
> want to keep focused.
> So having daily images by no means makes xubuntu supported. For instance
> those dailies could be broken AFAIK since there are no people testing
> them regularly.That would be risky to support.
> The best way you can make xubuntu better is by contributing your time
> and not wait for canonical or someone else to bear all the costs.
> I hope this clears it up.
> Jani
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