Live cd / alt cd in Xubuntu

Jelle de Jong jelledejong at
Sun Jan 7 17:09:20 UTC 2007

Matthew Kuiken wrote:
> Robert B. Lance Sr. wrote:
>> question:
>> how hard (in terms of work and cd space) would it be to add the text 
>> installer to the live cd?
>> I've noticed a lot of ppl with issues that they get failure when using 
>> live fails to run and they need to download and burn a new cd 
>> for the alt install
>> It seems to me that if we could add the text installer to the live cd 
>> start menu, it would save some newbies aggravation
>> I was actually surprised that it was not included already when I got my 
>> dapper cd's in the mail that it was NOT an option!
> The biggest problem is that the text installer uses packages, and 
> installs from sets of packages to the hard drive.  Very similar to 
> booting into single user mode, and then using apt-get to install 
> *everything*.  The Live CD does not contain packages in the same sense. 
>   The packages are already installed onto a compressed file system, and 
> the installer just copies files from one file system to another during 
> install.  In order to have both on one disk, you would need to use 
> double the disk space, because all the packages would be on the CD 
> twice, once in the Live file system, and once in the apt repository.
> Later in the thread, doing a DVD was brought up, but I believe that the 
> same argument that is being used on claws applies - Who will step up to 
> create and maintain said feature?  This is not something that should 
> just be foisted off onto the core devs, and I don't think it is in 
> (K)Ubuntu.  I believe that the DVDs are created by others who want that 
> functionality.
> -Matt
What about a general dvd full with deb packages that are updated
regularly like once a month. This dvd can be used by all the ubuntu
distro's. This will remove the problem of downloading all the packages.
Also you can easily make a system that the install cd installs the
basics app's and the rest comes from the dvd.

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