Xubuntu docs - status?

Vincent imnotb at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 16:33:50 UTC 2007

I have familiarized myself a bit with svn and Docbook does not really pose a
problem, it's very similar to XHTML. However, I figured it would be better
for me to work on Feisty documentation when I actually *have* Feisty :P
I plan to upgrade as soon as I can burn it onto a CD, which will probably be
tomorrow-evening. This weekend I'll be at my father's place, so there won't
be much I can do then, but hopefully after the weekend. If I'm not too busy
with the other 3 projects I've got running at the moment...

On 28/02/07, Luzius Thöny <lucius.antonius at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2/28/07, Jim Campbell <jwcampbell at gmail.com> wrote:
> > During the last Xubuntu IRC meeting, I chatted with Cody Somerville some
> > about Xubuntu docs.  We had thought that it would be a good idea for me
> to
> > file a bunch of bug reports, and then to get a big group of people
> together
> > for a doc-sprint where we would make all of the corrections, write
> > additional documentation, etc.  We said that we'd do this when he was
> out of
> > the hospital.
> >
> > Unfortunately, I think Cody is still unavailable.  I hope he's
> ok.  However,
> > we still need to make sure that Xubuntu docs are still on track for the
> > Feisty release.
> >
> > I'm not sure what all needs to be done, but I thought I would bring up
> this
> > topic here.  Is there anyone else besides Cody who has SVN commit
> rights?
> > Is there anyone else who's good with docbook xml?  Why does it still say
> > "Welcome to Xubuntu 6.06" when you load up Firefox in one of the recent
> > Xubuntu nightlies?  :-)
> >
> > I can help write documentation, but do not know docbook xml at this
> time.
> > (maybe for 7.10 . . . ).  Is there anyone else who might be available to
> > help out?
> >
> thanks for bringing it up. i have commit rights, and i know docbook,
> but as said before, i don't have the time to actually do doc work at
> the moment.
> the reason it still says "welcome to 6.06" ist because no current
> snapshot of the documentation has been uploaded yet to feisty. none
> was uploaded to edgy, either. jani, meant to do it for edgy, i think,
> but then we were too late. there *has* been some work done on the
> documentation since dapper, though, and you can always check out the
> 'nightly build' of the documentation here:
> http://doc.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/
> so if you have any bugs to report, please report against the version
> at the above URL, not the version currently shipped with feisty.
> a doc-sprint sounds like a good idea, so please go ahead and send any
> patches you come up with to the ubuntu-doc ML, or start a wiki page
> where you list the changes / issues.
> @Adam: drafting ideas out in the wiki is a good idea. in fact, much
> stuff in the ubuntu / xubuntu guides started out in the wiki. however,
> you should keep in mind that there is no way to make the wiki>docbook
> conversion automatically - it's all done manually, which is neither
> very efficient nor very much fun :(
> > Jim
> >
> luzi
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