Xubuntu docs - status?

Jim Campbell jwcampbell at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 03:44:11 UTC 2007

During the last Xubuntu IRC meeting, I chatted with Cody Somerville some
about Xubuntu docs.  We had thought that it would be a good idea for me to
file a bunch of bug reports, and then to get a big group of people together
for a doc-sprint where we would make all of the corrections, write
additional documentation, etc.  We said that we'd do this when he was out of
the hospital.

Unfortunately, I think Cody is still unavailable.  I hope he's ok.  However,
we still need to make sure that Xubuntu docs are still on track for the
Feisty release.

I'm not sure what all needs to be done, but I thought I would bring up this
topic here.  Is there anyone else besides Cody who has SVN commit rights?
Is there anyone else who's good with docbook xml?  Why does it still say
"Welcome to Xubuntu 6.06" when you load up Firefox in one of the recent
Xubuntu nightlies?  :-)

I can help write documentation, but do not know docbook xml at this time.
(maybe for 7.10 . . . ).  Is there anyone else who might be available to
help out?


jwcampbell at gmail.com
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