Poll for GNOME dependencies

Jani Monoses jani.monoses at gmail.com
Tue Aug 21 20:49:00 UTC 2007

> After the questions, we have to give choices because that is how the
> polling shceme works.
> For instance,
> 1) what apps do you install besides defaults
> a) ?
> b) ?
> c) ?
> so that people can vote on the app,
> or
> 2) what apps from the default install do you remove
> a) ?
> b) ?
> c) ?

well formulate the 'poll' in such a way as to let people neter freeform app names, as Jim and Harold did
in response to your question.
But have it in the forums and xubuntu-users maybe, since this list is too developer biased.


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