xubuntu "Institutional colour"

jmak jozmak at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 23:50:51 UTC 2007

On 8/2/07, Roberto Benitez <robertomariobenitez at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have an idea going around my head that I would like to share with the
> team.
> I don't know if it is feasable or if I am in a totally different page from
> the team.
>  I was thinking about the main colour of xubuntu.
> Since xubuntu started we are using blue (almost the same as kubuntu?) in the
> website and in the desktop's background, splash screen (black/blue), etc.
> On the other side, xubuntu was born because the community needed a small,
> fast version with strong economy of resources (let say the environmental
> version of ubuntu).
> I am not an expert on this sort of "sociological-marketing-etc" analisys (so
> the experts, please, sorry)
> What I see is:
> 1) ubuntu-brown-human version
> 2) kubuntu-blue-kde version
> 3) xubuntu-green-environmentalist version
> I also know that this is not the right moment to talk about because we are
> busy with the new release but I started thinking about because of the coming
> soon new website (drupal) version.
> Maybe if we have a couple of seconds we can share opinions from our devel
> community.
> I hope you will be patiente with my poor tech english.

Green is nice color. My favourites are emerald or tourmaline green,
which are the two most beautiful gem stone colors. But you have to
keep in mind when you introduce a major color change you have to
consider other aspects of the desktop as well, like the color of the
logo for instance. It is also more difficult to find suitable gtk and
icon themes for greens.  This is not to say that this cannot be done,
but for gutsy I think, it is too late, perhaps for gutsy+.



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