Bruno Cezar Rocha
brunometal at
Mon Apr 9 17:56:23 UTC 2007
>Hi all,
>in the latest upload of thunar in Friday I switched thunar-vsf from using
exo-mount to gnome-mount.
>By mistake I added the gnome-mount dependency to the development library of
thunar-vfs so >gnome-mount
>is not pulled in leading to errors while mounting on the latest CDs and
>As a fix install gnome-mount by hand until the new fix is in the acrhives.
Yah, Finally The answear for our questions !!
I 'm Using Gnome-mount since I installed Xubuntu 6.06 , I prefer to use
gnome-mount cause it can work very good with my pen Drives and Cams, also it
can mount My Palmtop as a DiskDriver.
I Think Gnome-mount should be default for Xubuntu 7.04 it does not depend on
gnome libs and is much better than the thunar-vfs..
2007/4/9, Jani Monoses <jani.monoses at>:
> Hi all,
> in the latest upload of thunar in Friday I switched thunar-vsf from using
> exo-mount to gnome-mount.
> By mistake I added the gnome-mount dependency to the development library
> of thunar-vfs so gnome-mount
> is not pulled in leading to errors while mounting on the latest CDs and
> dist-upgrades.
> As a fix install gnome-mount by hand until the new fix is in the acrhives.
> sorry
> Jani
> PS: g-m does not depend on gnome libs and its advantage is that is can
> handle encrypted volumes and has
> better defaults for NTFS than exo-mount has at this moment. It also has
> work done on it on the Ubuntu side
> to respawn itself and ask for sudo password if the user tries to mount a
> fixed partition that is not in fstab.
> --
> xubuntu-devel mailing list
> xubuntu-devel at
Bruno Cezar Rocha
"Compra Consciente"
orkut: brunovegan
Msn/Google/email: brunometal at
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