Tips to tweak xubuntu for my needs

Jelle de Jong jelledejong at
Sun Oct 29 17:02:09 UTC 2006

Hoi Ronald,

The shutdown command needs superuser rights to execute so it will always 
ask for a password. You can change this by adding the shutdown command 
to the sudoers list so it will not ask for a password any more. If this 
is save i don't know.

Then you can make a script that executes a sudo shutdown -h now command
and this will shutdown the pc.

You need to make a keyboard link to the script to let the keyboard 
execute the shutdown scripts.

It are a few steps but it is possible.

Best regards,


Ronald Stewart wrote:
> I think I might be posting to the wrong list....
> does anyone know how to (I'm guessing here/run a script?) log out of
> the shell once you have chosen to shut down?  This being that I have
> only an on board alpha keyboard.
> I know the command to type is [h- shutdown and the rest plus] and a
> password but is there a way to do this without a keyboard like when I
> am walking around on the go?
> Also can I load my own logo for the upsplash somehow?
> I think xubuntu is just stellar!
> thank you
> dont know much about this ron
> On 10/29/06, Dave Keeton <thekeeton at> wrote:
>> So after toying around for several days with XFCE (Xubuntu) I have come to
>> the following conclusions:
>> 1. The Only way I'm going to be happy with the menu is to clean install
>> Xubuntu without gnome so the gnome apps don't end up on the menu.
>> 2. I havent found any way of burning music though an XFCE program like
>> gnomebaker and even gnomebaker isnt working for me (perhaps I need some
>> gnome support?)
>> 3. Im getting used to the desktop Icons not showing but it is still annoying
>> not having them.
>> So here goes rebooting with Xubuntu CD wish me luck!
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