Xubuntu Edgy 20061710

Ralf Meyer ranfyy at gmail.com
Thu Oct 19 18:26:17 UTC 2006

On 2006-10-19, Matías Szeftel <mszeftel at yahoo.com.ar> wrote:

> Hi, I've just installed Xubuntu Edgy 20061710. And I have an old PC:
> Celeron(Mendocino) 300 Mhz, Video : SiS 6326. Serial Mouse, Not PS/2
> keyboard (how is this called?)

A round plug with 5 pins? Then it is called DIN (www.din.de seems to
be german only).

> The installation went fine.
> There is still an issue with selecting the language at the boot menu: if
> I chose Spanish it asumes that I'm from Spain. So I don't chose the
> language so the installation asks me later and all goes ok. (Language:
> Spanish - Location: Argentina).

Which CD did you use to install?
1. Desktop CD (Live CD)
2. Alternate CD

The installer package for 1. is `ubiquity', for 2. it is `debian-installer'.

> 2) When I try to enter my user ( matt ) the keyboard repeats the letters
> randomly: so I pressed "m" and I got "mmmmmmm". If I pressed the key as
> soft as possible i could get some control, but almost impossible to type
> my password. This was already happening to me in dapper, but if I
> rebooted the computer sometime it would be fix.

Do you mean the graphical login?

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