Creating an attractive theme for xubuntu

j Mak joz_mak at
Fri May 19 20:45:49 UTC 2006

                                        Hi all,
    I've created four themes for xubuntu to test. The first two, "blue-gtkrc" and "black-gtkrc", is based on ubuntulooks which is a fancy theme engine, a default on ubuntu. 
    The other two, "Xubuntu-Mist-Blue-gtkrc" and "Xubuntu-Mist-Black-gtkrc" is based on the Mist engine which is one of the speediest according to testers. The blue and the black themes are basically the same except the differences in their color scheme. The blue represents xubuntu's steel blue.  I've also created a black version of both blue themes because black seems very popular among users. If you have a slower computer please test all and give some feedback about their performance. 
    Note: The ubuntulooks themes, "blue-gtkrc" and "black-gtkrc" require cairo to be installed on your system. 
    J. Mak
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