Xubuntu way to add printer? (was Feedback & Suggestions)

S.W.B. sb73542 at gmail.com
Sat May 6 22:29:36 UTC 2006

I think that a GUI printer manager is probably the most difficult issue 
for a lightweight distro, but I'm glad you guys are trying to solve it, 
because printing is probably one of the most fundamental tasks of an 
operating system.

One time I was using XFCE on Ubuntu, and I was printing to my USB HP 
PSC1310.  For some reason I pulled the USB cable while it was printing.  
Getting the printer re-enabled was the most aggravating experience, 
because I at first assumed that Ubuntu wasn't recognizing the printer 
when I plugged it back in, because it wouldn't print anymore.  In 
reality, the printer was just paused, and I had no way of checking the 
status.  If I was using Gnome, there would be a little printer icon in 
the systray with a red "!" on it, and I could just re-enable it with a 
right-click.  The XFCE printer manager is almost worthless in my 
opinion, unless it's drastically changed for XFCE 4.4.  We really need 
to be able to manage the queue, and check and change the status of 
printers, and add new ones. 

I don't know if you guys have evaluated http://gtklp.sourceforge.net/ 
specifically the gtklpq component (queue and status manager).

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