Why does Xubuntu desktop look like GNOME?

Foxy foxy at on-the-hill.me.uk
Tue May 2 10:37:56 UTC 2006

daniele favara wrote:
> On 5/2/06, Foxy <foxy at on-the-hill.me.uk> wrote:
>> Jani Monoses wrote:
>> >
>> >     >
>> >     I cannot say that I am disappointed but I would agree with 
>> those who
>> >     pointed out that XFCE had its own distinctive layout and there 
>> is no
>> >     reason to make it look like Gnome. Frankly speaking there are
>> >     other ways
>> >     to make a light desktop anyway. I have screwed up my xfce4 config
>> >     recently and after removing .config directory I had to spent 
>> some time
>> >     reverting Xubuntu layout to familiar XFCE look.
>> >
>> >
>> > With all respect for those who prefer the original xfce layout, the
>> > current one is going
>> > to be final since it is simpler. Those needing a specific layout can
>> > easily make it happen.
>> > So the thread can continue as far as I am concerned but will not
>> > change this decision :)
>> >
>> > Jani
>> yes, I agree that it would be wise to change the layout now and I guess
>> those who prefer the original layout (like myself) missed the
>> opportunity to discuss it earlier. Though I am not sure that the current
>> layout is simpler.  It may be more familiar  for  Ubuntu users though
>> and simper for them to use...
> with the new xfce panel it's possible to set more then just one panel
> .. and i think that's a really cool new feature .. that was not really
> possible in breezy.
> It makes sense to have 2 panel so .. one where you place the taskbar
> and the other where you place launchers and the menu.
> if i'm not wrong the default layout that xfce upstreamers use doesn't
> include the xfdesktop menu plugin ... and the lower panel has not full
> size ...
> how are u going to use the left and right part of that panel ?
> Consider even that panel and menu layout have been lergely discussed
> as ubuntu specs.
> I guess that layout improves the usability for new users ... the point
> here is not if it looks nice or not .. or if we absolutely do not want
> to have it with a gnomish look .. but if that layout is more
> user-friendly.
> If that panel looks like the gnome one ... that means we arrived to
> the same result and i do not think it's a good idea to FORCE a
> different look ... but mainly to imporve the *usability*.
> So ... why do u think that layout is less usable? :)
> ciao
> -- 
> ----
> http://dsslive.org
> ----
xfdesktop plugin is not a big deal. I always use right-click on desktop 
to get the menu (though I always keep the plugin installed as legacy 
from using Windows :)).

Also I believe that a launcher panel with the most frequently used apps 
is more easy-to-use than a menu (menu is hierarchical in any case).

Those who has been using xfce for a while get used to task bar on the 
top rather than on the bottom as it is in gnome and current xubuntu 
layout. I guess it may not matter in terms of usability though for me it 
is easier to have it on the top panel even after years on Windows and 
some time on KDE.

Personally I have 4 panels: one on the top stretched out over the screen 
and three on the bottom (left, middle and right oriented) so that I have 
some space between them to right-click for the menu. My middle panel has 
all the launchers I need and the right and left panels are for plugins.

I personally think that if adapt some DE for a distro you'd better keep 
its basic original layout untouched. You may make some modifications but 
overall you stick to the original. If a user find it inconvenient she/he 
may change it to his/her liking (since most of DE are highly 
configurable). A user  usually does it anyway (I do not stick to xfce 
original layout to the letter :)). But the point is that you give a user 
some alternative, fresh ideas for a layout. Especially for many of those 
who have used Windows for ages and sometimes forget that in Linux the 
layout is usually very flexible.

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