Why does Xubuntu desktop look like GNOME?

Foxy foxy at on-the-hill.me.uk
Tue May 2 08:47:43 UTC 2006

Gergo Szakal wrote:
> I share the other user's point, I completely got disappointed when I saw the look of XUbuntu Dapper, since I installed xubuntu-desktop to a breezy server install earlier and loved its layout.
I cannot say that I am disappointed but I would agree with those who 
pointed out that XFCE had its own distinctive layout and there is no 
reason to make it look like Gnome. Frankly speaking there are other ways 
to make a light desktop anyway. I have screwed up my xfce4 config 
recently and after removing .config directory I had to spent some time 
reverting Xubuntu layout to familiar XFCE look.

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