
Steve Smith steve.lists at googlemail.com
Fri Jul 14 13:28:50 UTC 2006

On 13/07/06, jmak <jozmak at gmail.com> wrote:
> Actually, I made it. But then xubuntu just started out, the only thing
> we knew was that it is for slower machines. But now, we know a bit
> more; for instance that xfce 4.4 is turning out to be a real contender
> to gnome. It is getting really elegant and more and more people like
> it and install xubuntu even on faster machines. But there are other
> things to that I think should be reflected in the distro's visual
> appearance.

J. Mak

Well having looked at the (possible) Ubuntu logo changes, my view is
to keep your logo changes in parallel with the Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Edubuntu
ones.  I think that if they're all kept to a similar style then it
helps to reflect the integration of the four projects.

When you look at them all lined up together on the www.ubuntu.com
I think it makes it look really professional that they're all the
same.  So be prepared, and if they change you change, and if they
don't, don't!  Just my opinion!


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