irc meeting / isos

Jani Monoses jani.monoses at
Sun Jan 8 20:33:24 UTC 2006


On 1/8/06, john levin <john at> wrote:
> Hi
> Two questions:
> 1: Should we have an IRC meeting sometime soon to discuss Xubuntu, what
> needs to be done, get to know eah other etc?

Agreed. Let's have one this Tuesday, suits me anytime between 6AM-20PM UTC.

2: Has there been any progress with making ISOs? (I did take a look at
> the procedure over the Xmas break, but it's well beyond my current
> capabilities.)

Yes I have looked at it and seems a lot of work if done the right way (not
just traking apart
an existing CD and replacing packages). It requires understanding the CD
build scripts in Colin
Watson's bazaar archive[1], a lot of bandwidth and disk space.
I am hoping that for dapper we will be able to get build time on the
canonical servers, but since this
was not promised just said it may be possible we shouldn't bet on it and
have a plan B.
And if noone else tackles it I will eventually, right now I am trying to get
xubuntu packages in the main
section of the archive as that will make CD building easier too.


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