Xubuntu Graphics

Ricardo Valfreixo ricardo at valfreixo.com
Fri Feb 10 16:24:30 UTC 2006

I don't talk that much in the list, unfortunatly my time if very limited.

I do like gimp but inkscape is the editor I use most when designing
for the web. It's a lot faster and lot less confusing. Gimp, on other
hand is a perfect tool to hadle images and photos so the two of them
should go togheter.

my 2 cents.


On 2/10/06, Michael Moore <stuporglue at gmail.com> wrote:
> > It's about as resource hungry as Gimp :)
> > And its definitely the best vector graphics editor out
> > there.
> Resource-wise, I don't think it is any worse than Gimp. Agree on the
> vector part. The only thing is: Most people don't do vector graphics,
> and so Inkscape may take up room where a more-used package could go.
> I personally would love to see it included as it's on of the reasons I
> switched to Linux full-time, and it's one of my favorite programs.
> But, I think making Xubuntu the most usefull for the most people is
> more important.
> --
> Michael Moore
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