xubuntu artists

Jani Monoses jani.monoses at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 18:04:11 UTC 2006

> Daniele,
> I am working on a couple of 1600x1200 backgrounds, modifiying a GTK
> theme (darkish) and modifiying some SVG icons.
> However, I have no idea what the xubunt specs for artwork are.

You're not alone ;)

Maybe those interested in xubuntu artwork could take a look at the following
thread in xfce-devel


and misc other messages with similar subject in Jan/Feb

I personally like the current blue background+mouse, but we'll need to see
what others think
related to default colors icons etc. I am not worried that blue is too
kde-ish but the green suggested
by upstream is nice too.

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