xfce4 svn snapshot

daniele favara danjele at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 07:58:57 UTC 2006

On 1/31/06, Juan Jose Pablos <juanjo at apertus.es> wrote:
> Colin McDermott wrote:
> > Which is why I am such an advocate for rox-filer. There seems to be an
> > assumption that users want everything to pop up in front of them when it
> > is plugged in. Perhaps they do....(though this can create
> > confusion)..But I think the main thing that users want is quick ways to
> > get around from /home (or their hd/files) to /media (or their cdroms)
> > and to look at an uncomplicated interface. Rox-filer does this well.
> I agree about the need of a quick way to get to /media. My only issue
> with rox-file is the use of ctrl+x to delete files. supr seems more
> natural today.

from what you're saying it seems the perfect file manager is thunar
even for you ...

on the letf side pane:

| - home
| - file system
| -  bookmark 1
| -  bookmark 2
| -  ....

the user can get guickly /media, for example when a new device has
been attached the volume manager :

echo "file:///mount/point" >> $HOME/.gtk-bookmarks

in this way the user can easly browse all the rw dir.

this is from thunar-dev:

"On the other hand, while thinking about this again: How about extending
xfdesktop for 4.4 to support very basic desktop icon functionality
(display the contents of ~/Desktop) and just invoke methods from the
org.xfce.FileManager interface? You can use thunar-vfs to determine
icons, display names, etc. of the files. Of course this would be
optional and maybe not perfect, but atleast Xfce 4.4 would have basic
support for desktop icons then. I'll need to think about this again tho,
just a quick&dirty idea for now."

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