
Ian Marks ianmarks at aapt.net.au
Fri Dec 15 23:01:18 UTC 2006

I have been using Xfce and Xubuntu for quite a while now. Although I am 
not a programmer I have subscribed to the developers list to keep up 
with what is happening. Personally I would appreciate a users list as I 
do not want to distract developers away from the continual development I 
appreciate with Xubuntu. Any problems I have had I have usually solved 
through the Ubuntu forums, but as some of these have been Xubuntu 
specific it would have been useful to have a Xubuntu specific users list 
which I believe would have sped up the process and made it easier to 
solve these issues.

Thank you to all who have made Xubuntu a great distro!


Adam Miller wrote:
> There has already been occasions where xubuntu users have posted to 
> the devel list and been told not to post questions here because it is 
> for development discussion. Worst case scenario with a xubuntu-users 
> list, someone will say "sorry, i don't know the answer to that"
> xubuntu-users still has my vote.
> -Adam
> On 12/15/06, *Jim Campbell* <jwcampbell at gmail.com 
> <mailto:jwcampbell at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     On 12/15/06, *Foxy* < foxy at on-the-hill.me.uk
>     <mailto:foxy at on-the-hill.me.uk>> wrote:
>         >
>         I agree with Jani. With xubuntu-users list we can have a
>         situation when
>         people are asking questions but no one answers them. I think
>         that as
>         soon as the number of user related questions on
>         xubuntu-development
>         becomes substantial to justify a separate list we should go
>         for it.
>         --
>     I agree that it would be bad to have too many unanswered questions
>     on a xubuntu-user mailing list, but I don't think we'd want to
>     gauge user interest by how many user-related questions are sent to
>     this developer mailing list. 
>     I know that there have been a couple of emails from users on here
>     that have gotten a polite form of the response, "this is developer
>     mailing list . . . ."   Surely this would discourage regular users
>     from sending more user-related questions here. 
>     Maybe a better way to check would be to gauge interest in the IRC
>     channel.  Publicizing the existence of the user mailing list (in
>     some way shape or form) would also help get it off the ground. 
>     Maybe we could put a news blurb on xubuntu.org
>     <http://xubuntu.org> and get a note about it included in the
>     Ubuntu newsletter that gets created every week or so . . .
>     Jim
>     -- 
>     jwcampbell at gmail.com <mailto:jwcampbell at gmail.com>
>     --
>     xubuntu-devel mailing list
>     xubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:xubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com>
>     https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/xubuntu-devel
> -- 
> -=:Max:=-
> --OpenPGP key: 5DBFA065-- 

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