Dapper updates/backports

Jani Monoses jani.monoses at gmail.com
Thu Aug 3 18:04:27 UTC 2006

Hi Gauvain,

Ubuntu 6.06.1 will be out soon. I was thinking about updating a few
> packages such as xfburn (for the resizing issue) and taskmanager (random
> crashes).
> Are there some other packages that could be interesting to update in
> dapper (for *bug fixes* only)?

What goes into 6.06.1 and point releases in general is whatever is in
so the upload policy is the same. So far the only two package fixes are the
menu disappearing
and the wrong icon for the mixer, both of which were found to late to fix by

The whole of Xfce4.4beta2 is fixing more bugs than it introduces so it could
also be a candidate
but I thought that unlike ubuntu/kubuntu we fix only really annoying bugs.
This was mainly
due to lack of resources to work on both edgy and dapper-updates but now
with you on board
that can change ;)

I am not sure if it's not too late now for 6.06.1? It should be out in a day
or two I thought. Even
if the fixes you propose do not make the image, if we decide they go in
dapper-updates it's still
OK as users upgrade.

So the reason I did not start picking bugfixes or work on getting the whole
4.4beta2 in dapper-updates
was lack of time. I am sure dapper users will appreciate some of the more
prominent fixes but there
is nothing serious I know of. The taskmanager crasher I could no longer
reproduce and I did not apply
the fix in dapper because it seemed to fix another bug. Do you think the
patch in LP fixes the same issue
we had? As for xfburn there were some segfaults in the dapper version (there
are some new in alpha0.1.0 as well)
but nothing that loooked too annoying or causing dataloss, so I did not
consider xfburn either.
What is the resize issue you mention?

In conclusion I am OK with us trying to get a newer Xfce in for dapper
users, but it needs to be tested in edgy first
as we cannot permit regressions. To get edgy tested we have to convince
people to run it, and that is less likely to happen if we have the same Xfce
in dapper ;)

I planned to get 4.4 final in dapper-updates anyway, once it was released
and tested in edgy, but did not think of
updating until then.

But if you think we have time we can try to get the two changes you mention
into 6.06.1 :)

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