Xubuntu Website

Guillem Hernandez Sola guillemhs at gmail.com
Sun Apr 16 16:39:03 UTC 2006

En/na Jonathan Carter ha escrit:
> Hi Xubuntu
> I am currently working on the new Edubuntu website (a preview is
> available at <http://proto.edubuntu.org> although it's still rough
> around the edges).
> I have noticed that there isn't a Xubuntu website yet, and I asked on
> #xubuntu-devel if anyone is currently working on one. luzi informed me
> that this issue was bought up at the last Xubuntu meeting, although no
> one has yet volunteered. If no one is, I'd be happy to create and
> maintain a Xubuntu site. We currently use Drupal for the Edubuntu site,
> and once I have most of that done, it will be easy to adapt the layout,
> etc for Xubuntu as well.
> I will also be at the next Xubuntu IRC meeting.
> -Jonathan
If you want some help to make de Xubuntu website, i think i can!
Ok, bye!

~# Guillem Hernández Sola
~# http://www.guillemhernandez.com
~$ "Distorsió IT Department Freak Responsable"
~$ http://distorsio.upc.es

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