mail client

daniele favara danjele at
Sat Apr 15 11:00:28 UTC 2006

during a meeting we discussed if to include a mail client or not ..
but we didn't decided anything definitive ...

<hob> Hi. My mother's finally decided to upgrade from Windows ME. I
was thinking of trying her on xubuntu, but she only hs a 400Mhz
Celeron 164mb ram. Is this enough?
<nomed> sure
<hob> nomed, great, I'll get her on that. She only needs firefox,
thunderbird and abiword...
<nomed> hob, you'll need to apt-get install thunderbird
<hob> nomed, yeah, found that one out for myself. What is going to be
the email client for xubuntu?

will xubuntu have a default mail client ?

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