An xfce-app-install [was: An xfce-app-finder]

Michael Moore stuporglue at
Thu Apr 6 09:22:33 UTC 2006

> There are not many strictly xfce appplications so all will be installed by
> default.
> So the install is still minimal although the disk size is not yet  the final
> one.
> I am wondering what disk requirement we should aim for. Ubuntu is at 1.8 or
> 2G
> currently, al large part of that being a copy of the .deb files to the disk,
> besides just
> installing them.

A 2Gb HD was pretty standard for quite a while it seems. It's the size
of disk I see most frequently in older computers that get donated
here. I don't know if it's possible, but if an Xubuntu install could
fit all on a 2Gb disk, including swap space and a home partition,
that'd be great for me. That'd probably put the final install at 1.2
Gb or less. It'd be OK if the debs took up more room during the
install since the  home directory wouldn't be used yet.

Dream Scheme for an old Machine
.3 Gb swap
>.5 Gb home dirs
<1.2 Gb Xubuntu

It might be there now. I'm doing an install right now, and the install
has used 1.4 Gb so far. It's currently regenerating the fonts cache. I
did install build-essential before xubuntu-desktop (started with a
server install...force of habit). I'll bet that when I apt-get clean
afterwards that it'll be within those parameters.
Michael Moore
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