Conflict with gtkrc-2.0 from Kubuntu

crimsun at crimsun at
Sat Apr 1 01:59:18 UTC 2006

On Fri, Mar 31, 2006 at 04:24:44PM -0800, Liz Young wrote:
> Sorry, don't have Flight 6, but dist-upgraded Flight 5.  The issue
> does not occur from a "server" install.  The gtk2-engines-gtk-qt
> package is a dependency of kubuntu-desktop. There is a conflict only
> if both desktops are installed.  Removing both of the Kubuntu packages
> leaves .gtkrc-2.0 in the users directory, which breaks the
> xubuntu-desktop login.

Ok, this sounds like a sticky issue then, because installing xubuntu-
desktop cannot touch a user directory. The best we can do is place a
note in README.Debian or NEWS.Debian stating that ~/.gtkrc-2.0 should
be moved.

Jani, any thoughts on how should we approach this bug?
Daniel T. Chen            crimsun at
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