ivman, one last time (I promise) and a question

Jani Monoses jani.monoses at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 07:06:53 UTC 2005

> On another subject, Jani, I got the impression from an email earlier
> that once Ubuntu final goes out on 13/10 no more dev will be done on
> xubuntu (in Breezy at least). True? Makes sense but it never really
> occurred to me there was such a tight deadline :(

Yes, that is true. Since xubuntu related packages are in the same repository
as the rest of ubuntu,
development is frozen. So the xubuntu CDs will be a slightly easier way to
install xfce but not a polished
out-of-the-box exprience as the other derivatives. I did not plan carefully
enough when I started working
and missed some goals but at least I think I learned some lessons from this.

On the bright side the xfce experience should be nicer than it was in hoary

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