"Very Low Priority" Xubuntu Dock Apps

Tomasz Witko twitko at rogers.com
Sun Oct 9 19:26:09 UTC 2005

 Probably not but with a small notebook screen say 14"
for argument it may not show up very well in the bar
at those low res. PersPersonallyse small bars so
panapannals are useless for me.

 If XfceXfcestill KDE KDEpatible it may be possible to
load KuraKuramba I would have to check it out to see
if it does. Most of the sensors from KuraKurambe the
terminal sensors and program,(terminal commands) for
there info though I found apps  that use the
sensor=program use a lot of clu cpuources. 

 There are other dock apps that should run on XfceXfce
eralreallye ones that I seen for Ice which should run

 Think it boils down to is there a demand for this and
will users use it.

--- Markus BergBergholzrkmarkumanigmail> wrote:

> hm, i don´t use those tools.
> but in xfcexfceere are plugplugins the panel
> so i don´t know if we need a sepeseperatel for that.
> markmarkus
> On 10/9/05, TomaTomaszkWitkoittwitkoers.com> wrote:
> >  This is a very low priority but if a very low
> > resource dock app could be found it would be a
> greatly
> > appreciated addition to XubuXubuntu >
> >  This is based on my experiences with dock apps in
> > Gnome and KDE.KDEfound gdesgdeskletsGnome to be
> very
> > bloated and took up huge amounts or resources
> compared
> > to KuraKurambaKDE KDEch can be a skeleton counting
> on
> > the app. I made one that that was running at
> > cpu cpud about 5% including system and about 5
> megs
> > ram for a fully functional base sensor dock app.
> >
> > Pic of dock app
> >
jpg> Its pretty basic but I like its low load.
> >
> >  Anyways If we can find a realrealye sensor dock
> app
> > package it may be possible to have it as a
> synaptic
> > package for XubuXubuntuyone have any
> recommendations.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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