[PATCH] Support job logging for system jobs.

James Hunt james.hunt at ubuntu.com
Tue Dec 6 17:12:40 UTC 2011

Hi All,

This is a rework of the original patch ([1]). Note that due to issues found in testing and the size
and complexity of the full feature changes, this patch *only* adds support for the logging of output
from system jobs. Until the follow-on patch for adding support for user jobs (currently in
progress), if a user job specifies "console log" it will be considered to have specified "console none".

The patch also now considers out-of-space scenario explicitly: the approach taken is simple - if
there is insufficient space to write the data, it is discarded (effectively like "console none").
However, if space subsequently becomes free, that data will be written. Note this could result in
files with "holes" in the data, but in edge cases such as this, buffering potentially large amounts
of data (potentially indefinitely) within init itself is not a good idea.

Full details are in the man page init/man/init.5.

Code [2]:


Browseable code:


Comments welcome.

Kind regards,


[1] - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/upstart-devel/2011-October/001735.html
[2] - Patch too big to send to list directly.
James Hunt
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