Compile from srource

Scott James Remnant scott at
Mon Mar 1 15:56:21 GMT 2010

On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 16:45 +0100, Michael Biebl wrote:

> 2010/3/1 Scott James Remnant <scott at>:
> >
> >        bzr branch lp:upstart
> >        cd upstart
> >        autoreconf -i
> >        ./configure --with-local-libnih=../libnih
> >        make
> This will link upstart dynamically against libnih though, i.e. you
> will also need to install libnih to /lib
This is intended for when you're not actually installing, you can run
init out of Upstart's source tree and it'll be linked to the
non-installed libnih

But yes, this will link to libnih as a dynamic library, so should you
run "make install" you'll have to do the same in the other.

You can link statically with just:

	./configure --with-local-libnih=../libnih --disable-shared

> So it does not quite behave as the old nihify script. 
It's not intended to.

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