I don't see dbus-daemon being started by dbus?

Saravanan Shanmugham (sarvi) sarvi at cisco.com
Tue Sep 23 23:28:11 BST 2008

Hi Sandeep,
     I have made the following fix into upstart to get this work.
      Made the following code sengment into a function.
In the event_finished() function, I look for a "started" event for a
special Job called "systembus"
When the systembus job moves into started, I try to connect to the dbus
This means that some one has to define a special upstart job file called
"systembus" which will start the D-Bus daemon. 
And Upstart Iit will try to connect to it when it sees the started event
for that special job.
This works fine and I am able to create a dbus-glib client that is able
to connect and query Upstart through DBus.
Haven;t tested signals yet. Thats next on the list.
Is this approach reasonable. Once I am done can I send this as a patch
over for integration


From: upstart-devel-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
[mailto:upstart-devel-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of Sandeep
Puddupakkam (spuddupa)
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 3:10 PM
To: upstart-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: RE: I don't see dbus-daemon being started by dbus?

Has anyone successfully coded and used a dbus client for upstart using
dbus-glib and talked to upstart?

We are not able to use dbus to connect to upstart.

I see the following comment and code in init/main.c

            /* Open connection to the system bus; we normally expect
this to

             * fail and will try again later - don't let ENOMEM stop us


            while (control_bus_open () < 0) {

                        NihError *err;

                        int       number;


                        err = nih_error_get ();

                        number = err->number;

                        nih_free (err);


                        if (number != ENOMEM)




Dbus-daemon is started from a job file and the above code is executed
well before the job files are started. 

I however don't see code any place else that tries to connect to
dbus-daemon later on as suggested in the comment above.


Is this functionality working or it needs to be fixed?

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.





From: upstart-devel-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
[mailto:upstart-devel-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of Saravanan
Shanmugham (sarvi)
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 1:07 AM
To: upstart-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: I don't see dbus-daemon being started by dbus?



I am trying to write a dbus-glib client to talk to dbus.


I have upstart running but don't see the dbus-daemon running. 


The code inside init in main.c seems be attempting to connect to
dbus-daemon. but i don't see it being started anywhere.


Now when i try to define a job for dbus-daemon to be started, I don't
see any code inside of dbus that tries to connect to 

dbus-daemon except the one mentioned above which seems to be doing it a
little too early be able to work with a job file.


Am I missing something, or does upstart doesn't yet work with dbus?




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