upstart configuration
Charlie Woloszynski
cwoloszynski at
Fri Nov 7 13:48:05 GMT 2008
We are also using upstart and are quite happy with it. But I agree,
it would be nice if it had some mechanism to allow us to describe jobs
and EXTERNAL to that, persist which jobs are preferred by the user to
be running.
I think perhaps the state of the jobs could be persisted and restored
on reboot (as an option). If someone did a 'upstart stop-persistently
sendmail' then upstart would know to not just stop sendmail for the
time being but also know that this request is recorded for future
reboots of the system. Likewise a 'upstart start-persistently' clause
could reverse this.
If these selections were recorded in a well-defined format, then
installers could update the file to reflect system configuration
changes without tampering with the jobs scripts themselves. This is
much like the notion of symlinks in the /etc/rc.d/ filesystem for
various run levels (but much better since upstart handles much more
than those scripts do).
Thanks for upstart... it is a very useful engine already... and we are
hoping to help make it even better!
On Nov 7, 2008, at 8:06 AM, Michael Biebl wrote:
> 2008/11/7 Scott James Remnant <scott at>:
>> In the 0.10 design, this is supported by adding a stanza like
>> "manual" or "disabled" to the job - or removing one like "auto"
>> (not yet decided)
> Where is this information stored? In the job file itself?
> This imho would be a disadvantage to an external state/profile file,
> as on package upgrades (at least on Debian and I guess rpm-based
> distros too), you'd get prompts from the package management system.
> Cheers,
> Michael
> --
> Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
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