Clarification on upstart-0.5 and dbus usage

Marcel Holtmann marcel at
Wed Jun 18 23:27:28 BST 2008

Hi Garrett,

> >>> Hm, I'd actually prefer somehow, if core tools, like
> >>> initctl/runlevel/telinit etc would talk to upstart directly without
> >>> the need of a running dbus system bus.
> >>>
> >> Any particular reason?
> >
> > - Someone deletes his dbus job file.
> > - dbus-daemon fails to start (misconfiguration, whatever)
> > - upstart would be usable without the complete dbus package (it would
> > only have to depend on libdbus)
> >
> > It's more of a gut feeling, that relying on the system bus for these
> > core tools, makes upstart more fragile and error prone.
> I have to agree with Michael. More possible points of human input for
> upstart during critical stages in system startup just make it more
> brittle when dealing with confused users or misconfigured systems,
> input from rogue scripts, etc, esp when dbus is a shared 'resource'
> amongst different system applications.

believe me that when I mentioned that we are going to fix this, I meant
it. I am not going into details here, but expect something soon :)

Scott knows about it and so simply stop this discussion and wait for me
to actually finish it.



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