Trunk and merges

Scott James Remnant scott at
Tue Jun 17 12:33:08 BST 2008

Hey folks,

A short while ago, the development branches of Upstart and libnih got
renamed again when my Launchpad username changed.  Since nobody has
screamed, I suspect everyone did the right thing, if not, here's two
easy commands to get back:

  bzr pull --remember lp:libnih
  bzr pull --remember lp:upstart

(or if you don't have the Launchpad plugin for bzr)

  bzr pull --remember
  bzr pull

Since we're starting to gain momentum in terms of contributors, I
thought it was about time we had something approaching a merge policy.
This is basically copied from major projects like the kernel, D-Bus, Bzr
itself, etc. so shouldn't be too surprising:

  * Merge requests should contain one change, or one feature, in

	e.g. if you have a branch of many changes, send a merge request
	for each revision (provided that they obey the rest of the

	if your revisions don't match policy (e.g. you add test cases
	for everything at the end), cherry-pick the individual pieces
	into a new branch first.

  * The merge should include a ChangeLog entry in the correct format
    (with the commit date and your name, and each filename and function

	commit logs are up to you, the commit for the merge will be the
	ChangeLog entry, so there's no need to obey that

	the ChangeLog will be modified on merge to state the merge date

  * Bug fixes must include test cases

  * New features must include test cases

  * Code changes (refactoring, etc.) need not include test cases since
    no new functionality is introduced

  * "make distcheck" must pass

  * Code should be in the correct style (see HACKING)

  * Functions must be documented (see HACKING)

  * Functions must have correct GCC attributes (see HACKING)

One particularly good way to send the request the merge is by within bzr
using "bzr send --mail-to=upstart-devel at"

Have you ever, ever felt like this?
Had strange things happen?  Are you going round the twist?
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