IRC meeting

Ismael Luceno ismael.luceno at
Thu Nov 29 14:55:37 GMT 2007

El Thu, 29 Nov 2007 14:07:26 +0000
"Rob Ubuntu Linux" <rob.ubuntu.linux at> escribió:

> On Nov 29, 2007 5:36 AM, Ismael Luceno <ismael.luceno at>
> wrote:
> > > If you look at the list of plugins for init-ng, it's longer than I
> > > would have guessed.  They made everything into a plugin...
> >
> > Yeah, almost every functionality in initng is implemented by a
> > plug-in; that makes the development of new/experimental features a
> > lot easier, just because the new features can coexist with older
> > ones.
> But this is feeping creaturism, features to ease implementation of
> other features, few of which seem to be justified by end-user
> requirements.

Very little in initng is about what the user's requirements are, we
don't have to stop just because we've reached the point where we
satisfied the user's needs.

> Sys Admins are concerned with security and stability.  When I look at
> a page like frankly it
> scare the willies ouf of me.  For example :
>   - Change Directories "Change current workdir before
> current launch code is executed"
> What is wrong with having a shell script wrapper, around a daemon to
> do that on few occasions it's required?   A configuration script
> option that causes the chdir(2) in the child on forking as a  general
> facility, should reuse script parsing code, and add a few lines only,
> plus a chdir(2) call in the child after forking before exec.

That plug-in has been removed from the version in svn, as many others,
and I agree, it was useless.

> In the Init NG example for
> it looks like you end up with quite a tricky script anyway.  So it
> doesn't look like there was a real gain.
> As for " initng's colorful output" and in light of our
> convesation "" I think I stop digging now.

libcpout is a on-screen logging plug-in, whats wrong with it?

Ismael Luceno
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