Disabling/Enabling job files

Alex Smith alex at alex-smith.me.uk
Sun Mar 25 08:07:12 BST 2007

Hi all,

Since I'd like to get Upstart merged into Frugalware's development tree 
within the next 2 months, I really need to find some way of being able 
to enable/disable some job files. One thing I thought of was to have a 
/etc/event.available directory where services get installed by default, 
and then you can enable/disable them from being used by symlinking them 
into event.d or unlinking them. All jobs that are required for boot 
could be directly installed into event.d to prevent them from being 
disabled. Then you could have a tool that can enable/disable them.

What do you guys think to this idea? Is it ugly? Or can you think of a 
better way?

Alex Smith
Frugalware Linux developer - http://www.frugalware.org

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