Upstart and interaction with user

Alex Smith alex at
Wed Mar 21 16:20:27 GMT 2007

Michael Biebl wrote:
> 2007/3/21, Scott James Remnant <scott at>:
>> Nice.
>> One thought; if you use DBUS as the message protocol, you don't need a
>> whatd.  Just what-clients and what-servers, where the former ask for
>> interaction and the latter provide it.
>> This gives you all the permissions stuff for free, etc.  You'd have a
>> console what-server during boot, an X one in the GNOME session, etc.
> I initially thought of the same. But this would mean that we have to
> move D-Bus to /lib and /sbin, so we can start it really early (even
> before doing the mounting/fscking).
> For the desktop use case, D-Bus is obviously the best choice.
> Michael

One problem with this is that on servers, for example, people would not 
want DBUS even installed, and the only way they'd be able to get rid of 
it is getting rid of 'what' (or whatever it'll eventually be called). To 
be honest, I think it'd be much better the use the original idea for it 
to avoid complications such as the need to get DBUS up early. Of course, 
for using 'what' on the desktop, DBUS would be appropriate. Maybe have 
another daemon that starts when DBUS starts that acts as a proxy between 
whatd and DBUS?


Alex Smith
Frugalware Linux developer -

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