multiple instances of the same script?

Scott James Remnant scott at
Sat Mar 10 19:57:58 GMT 2007

On Sat, 2007-03-10 at 19:35 +0100, paul wrote:

> This is an elegant solution. What I was thinking of the following ( I 
> deal with root separately):
>                   emit fs-checked "$partition"
This will block until the filesystem has been checked, as well as output
any status information.  If you don't want that, use --no-wait and
--quiet respectively.

I've been thinking of another solution to the "only check one partition
of a disk at a time" problem, that also happens to solve other


Simply put, a resource is an arbitrary string name with a double value
that can be consumed by jobs.

Jobs would declare which resources they consume, and how much of that
resource they consume, in their job definition: e.g.

	uses cpu 0.5

Upstart would not immediately start a job if it causes the current
combined consumption of that resource to be greater than 1.0, and delay
it until the resource has been freed up a little.

Configuration would also allow the increasing of the availability of
that resource from 1.0 to a higher value, for example a dual-processor
machine might have 2.0 cpu available.

We could allow the resource name to be expanded from information in the
event (I've been thinking this would be useful in a couple of other
circumstances as well), so you could define something like this
(assuming we have a $DISKNAME variable in the event):

	start on block-device-added


	exec /sbin/fsck "$DEVNAME"

	post-stop exec emit fs-checked "$DEVNAME"

Have you ever, ever felt like this?
Had strange things happen?  Are you going round the twist?
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