
Sean Russell upstart at
Mon Oct 9 16:49:24 BST 2006

On Monday 09 October 2006 11:30, Jerry Haltom wrote:
> > CUPS should then use HAL to obtain the list of printers, and be
> > updated when new ones are inserted/removed.
> I think this is an important point to make in the minds of people
> thinking about Upstart. Does Upstart attempt to solve these problems
> for us? I don't think so. I think Cups, and other similar software,

No.  I wasn't suggesting that it do so when I used Cups as an example, 
and in retrospect, Cups was a poor choice.

I wasn't saying that Upstart should manage printers for Cups.  Cups 
already manages printers.  I was trying to demonstrate conditional 
event dependencies, such that a service is started even if any 
conditional dependencies fail to start or are not available.

So, let me short circuit this discussion: I haven't seen anybody on this 
list suggest that Upstart manage printers for Cups; I certainly wasn't, 
and I started the thread.

--- SER

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