[Bug 31640] Re: [Bug 31640] Re: kernel module not working with kernel 2.6.15

Joseph Smidt jsmidt at byu.edu
Mon May 15 15:06:57 UTC 2006

Thanks for the info.  It helps a lot.   One suggestion I have is the the
wiki have the actual addresses for these things:  For example when someone
clicks on:  http://packages.debian.org/unstable/...l-modem-daemon he will
not get sent to an actual webpage.  Instead the page is:
http://packages.debian.org/unstable/misc/sl-modem-daemon etc...   Thnaks.

> 2.Download sl-modem-daemon2.9.9d+e-pre2-5.deb and sl-modem_2.9.9d+e-
> pre2.orig.tar.gz from the debian website
> http://packages.debian.org/unstable/...l-modem-daemon. I have found that
> the slmodem-2.9.11-20051101.tar.gz works better in dapper and this can
> also be downloaded from the linmodem website
> http://phep2.technion.ac.il/linmodem...ges/smartlink/.

Joseph Smidt

       Joseph Smidt
     jsmidt at byu.edu

kernel module not working with kernel 2.6.15

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