[uds-announce] UDS task cards

Michelle Surtees-Myers michelle at canonical.com
Tue May 8 17:46:49 UTC 2012

Hi all,

Last night at the Meet and Greet, we gave out networking cards which 
lists 5 tasks that you need to complete and collect stickers for.

What you need to do is complete the tasks  and collect the stickers from 
Rick (once you've shaken his hand) and at the registration desk or from 
the UDS crew (who today are José Antonio Rey and Paolo Sammicheli).  You 
will need to satisfy us that you've completed the tasks first :)

Once you have all 5 stickers, write your name on the card and pop it in 
the box at the registration desk.  If you haven't got a card, we have 
plenty at the registration desk.

The draw will take place at Wednesday's plenary and you can win an 
Ubuntu backpack ( 


Kind regards

Michelle Surtees-Myers
Canonical Group Ltd

Ubuntu - Linux for human beings

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