[Ubuntu-ZW] 1. Thank you | 2. Ubuntu Server issues

Neil Coetzer neil at ubuntu.org.zw
Thu Jan 7 10:30:21 GMT 2010

Hi Fungai,

1. As discussed with Joe, I think you need to check your network and
possibly change the network adapter facing your local network to see
if that's the cause or not. The public adapter doesn't have any
issues, so it seems to me the problem is most likely linked to

2. I did advise Joe some time back to add the following in dovecot.conf:

auth_worker_max_count = 300
auth_worker_max_request_count = 300

but I'm not sure if he did. This issue only seemed to appear in
dovecot with Ubuntu 9.04 (AFAIK and I'm not sure why). I do know at
least one other person who had the same issue with 9.04 Server and
adding those lines fixed the problem for them. Those are the only
fixes documented for that issue on the dovecot site, so you might want
to double-check that those lines appear in the conf. It's related to
the frequency of user pop3 logins and using standard system account
authentication. An alternative could be to change the authentication
method that dovecot uses, but since those conf changes fixed the
problem for someone else, that's the first place to check. You could
also try increasing the number for both.


On 1/7/10, Fungai J Tichawangana [Exist Digital] <fungait at harvest.co.zw> wrote:
> Thank you all for the feedback on OpenERP.
> I have a number of options that I am now exploring.
> We have an Ubuntu Server (version 9.04) which keeps needing to have
> 1.	the networking services
> 2.	Dovecot
> restarted. Not always at the same time. Sometimes it needs to have these
> services restarted every 30mins or so. It gets really frustrating when
> you're in the middle of a major download or upload. I'm thinking of throwing
> it out of the Window(s). Any better recommendations?
> Best, Fungai
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Fungai J Tichawangana
> Imagineer In Chief
> Exist Digital
> A Subsidiary of Harvest Holdings
> Incorporating HarvestSMS, Lists of Africa & Open Source for Africa
> +263 4 251563, 250030, 708455, 707880
> +263 912 393 863
>  <http://www.existdigital.com/> www.existdigital.com


Neil Coetzer
Team Contact
Ubuntu Zimbabwe LoCo Team
Thinking way outside the box

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