[ubuntu-za] 18.04 releases

Lee Sharp leesharp at hal-pc.org
Tue Oct 16 15:21:44 UTC 2018

On 10/16/2018 03:53 AM, Bill Cairns wrote:
> Rant: I have been a faithful Linux user and advocate for more nearly 15 
> years now. It was way back in 2004 that I first committed my major 
> machine to running Linux. Never in this time have I experienced the 
> problems that I have had with the various versions of Ubuntu 18.04. 

In 18.04 they introduced a LOT of changes.  And Unity being gone is not 
the biggest one, just the most visible.  Now networking is fully 
integrated into systemd, and so /etc/network/interfaces is no more.  Say 
goodbye to all of the documentation on KVM and virtualbox on the local 
network!  And anything else with advanced networking...
Speaking of networking, net-tools is gone. So now we have to learn all 
new network troubleshooting tools as well.  And I have yet to see any 
compelling reason for breaking all backwards compatibility...
It is also a fully mitigated kernel.  Nice for security, but terrible 
for performance.  This page is sure getting a lot of views!
And then we have the usual headaches of a new LTS.

On the plus side, I have to say that they did a lot of VM testing in KVM 
and VirtualBox as those platforms work amazingly well!  And the unity 
drop went much better than I expected!  Now it is so easy to install 
gnome-panel and the classic desktop!
But, the hardware is still unstable.  I have it running perfectly in two 
VMs and crashing regularly on one laptop.  I will get the laptop running 
to learn it, and the two VMs will stay, but everything else I am running 
(Including for clients) is locked at 16.04.  We will see if it is fixed 
by 18.04.2 or perhaps 20.04...


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