[ubuntu-za] OPENING files with .png extentions in MS

Alfred C Stockton alf at stockton.co.za
Thu Apr 26 14:44:52 UTC 2018

As GIMP is apparently available for both Windows as well as Linux I will
recommend it again.

Hi Piet,

pngs are quite universal. I am sure the MS image viewer will be able to
display it without the need to hunt for programs.


On 26/04/2018 12:00, Piet Beukes OSS PEG wrote:
> Hi everyone   26Apr18
> Re:  OPENING files with*.png extentions*  in MS Windows
> I am forced to work with MS at the workplace, with the Workplace PC -
> cannot install Ubuntu or such on the PC.
> However I have opted out of using any MS program and can install
> smaller free programs.
> In the process*I have trouble opening .png files* - as I have not come
> across an OS program with which to open png files yet. Which image
> editor do I really need???
> *Is Scribus the answer* and can I install it on MS? It looks like
> overkill -  I just need to open a few png files per month and don't
> need to work on it - just need to open it to see the .png product.
> *Any advice?*
> For*.pdf files* I am using PDF Reader - which does work.
> Regards
> PietB
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Alf Stockton

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